Type of Work: Emergency generator work Completion Date: In progress

30 East 60th Street
mindsaw2020-04-07T17:58:47+00:00Type of Work: 12 Story Addition to Existing 15th Story Medical Office Building. New 4000 Amp service, Bus Ducts, Emergency Generator. Completion Date: 2016

752 West End Ave. New York NY
mindsaw2020-04-07T17:58:53+00:00Type of Work: Existing 200+ apartment building. Electrical service upgrade, meter banks, risers, apartment rewiring. Completion Date: 2010

666 West End Avenue New York, NY
mindsaw2020-04-07T17:59:16+00:00Type of Work: Electrical work: modification of existing electrical power distribution infrastructure, installation of new electrical circuit breaker panels and meter banks for existing apartments, electrical renovation of building in occupied building (400 Apartments). Completion Date: 2010

37 West 12th Street, New York (Approx 150 Apartments)
mindsaw2020-04-07T18:00:06+00:00Type of Work: Replacement of existing power distribution main service equipment in occupied residential building due to flood damage. Placing new 1200 Amps Service Entrance Box, 1200 Amps Service Switch, new 1200 Amps Meter Bank and new wiring troughs for future apartment risers. Furnishing and installation of new (1) 350kW Emergency Generator unit. Completion Date: [...]

45 East 89th Street Manhattan NY
mindsaw2020-04-07T18:01:15+00:00Type of Work: Emergency generator for high-rise building, switchgear improvement, transfer switches, fuel system. Completion Date: 2006

240 Central Park South Manhattan NY
mindsaw2020-04-07T18:01:19+00:00Type of Work: Adequate wiring for occupied 310 apartments, 4,000 Amp new switchgear, apartment risers and panels, partial apartment wiring. Completion Date: 2005

Luna Park Houses Brooklyn NY
mindsaw2020-04-07T18:00:18+00:00Type of Work: 5 buildings, 1,200 apartments. New 4,000 Amp service entrance, services for air conditioning additional load. Vertical risers and apartment panels with AC receptacles in apartments, property line boxes with underground lines. Completion Date: 2002